United Senergy

UNITED. With SYNERGY and ENERGY to spare
United Senergy is a nonprofit organization that focuses on reducing the economic, health and technological disparities that plague our people, our communities, our nation, our world. We have three approaches to combating painful disparities:
US works to narrow the gaps that separate us, to ensure that people of all economic means, of every racial and ethnic background, have the same opportunities to pursue health and well-being and use technology to seek out useful information.
We want all people to have access to positive health-fitness information, training and support, nutritional knowledge and access to healthful foods, and technological advances that narrow the digital divide. We strive to ensure that no one is left behind in the pursuit of health, fitness, nutrition or technology.
US gives back to our community. We want to help prevent and treat the heart disease, diabetes, childhood obesity and mental health disorders that plague many members of society, especially those struggling to make ends meet and build a better life in a world where the widening gap between rich and poor causes pain and distress. We work to provide full access to technology for every man, woman and child, striving to narrow the digital divide for those of disparate income levels, geographic locations and educational attainments.
US partners with corporate sponsors, non-profits, community organizers and celebrities to achieve our goals and increase every person’s awareness of self. We want every person to recognize their value as a human being and to understand how health, fitness, nutrition and technology can make a difference for themselves, their community and their world.