Health & Fitness
BE Fit...FEEL Good…LIVE Life
United Senergy has the Tools, Modalities and Expertise to make a difference
EVERYONE deserves equal access to wellness including body and mental health and fitness! It is well known that communities of color already suffer the most from disease and poor health. In this current age of the corona virus, people in Black and Brown underserved communities and neighborhoods carry the disproportionate burden of Health Disparities resulting in more illness, hospitalizations and death.
In Massachusetts, the Health Policy Commission reported that Black and Latino patients represented a disproportionate share of corona virus hospitalizations in 2020, as did patients from lower-income communities. 2022.
Sara Sadownik, HPC’s deputy director of research and cost trends, called the data around disparities very striking. “The factors that are driving these results demand attention, namely that people of color are more likely to have higher risk of exposure due to employment and housing conditions, as well as higher risk of severe disease due to social determinants of health such as access to nutritious food and environmental factors, among others,” she said.
NOW more than ever it is clear that social determinants of race, ethnicity, education and economics not only prevent people from achieving healthy lifestyles, they threaten people’s lives. United Senergy has its work cut out for us! We are up for the challenge! And yes, we can do something about this!
Overcoming health disparities
Join with US - UNITED SENERGY – as we fight and mobilize communities to overcome disparities, you will learn to LOVE YOURSELF including your body and mind! (We all need…and deserve… a daily dose of self-love which can affect the immune system and overall mental attitude in a positive way.) AT US we are working with public officials, health care experts and community leaders to change the conditions that create health care disparities in communities of color and underserved neighborhoods.
We will share with you the information about nutrition, fitness, well-being and healthy body image. We embrace cultural uniqueness and individuality while respecting and accepting all human beings. We want to see every person’s life nourished and thriving physically, mentally and spiritually.
Join with US to overcome health wellness and fitness disparities while living a longer, healthier, happier life.
The goal of US is to provide pathways to healthy food, physical wellness activity and access to the information age in communities of color struggling against poverty. We are here to provide the tools, modalities and information that enable people in those situations to thrive and lead healthier lives filled with the energy of a positive self-image and lifestyle.
Why do health disparities matter?
Disparities in health and wellness opportunities get in the way of healthy living, causing heightened stress (silent killer) for people and communities resulting in unnecessary healthcare costs.
Research shows that 30 percent of medical costs for Blacks, Latinos and Asian Americans are due to health disparities, with the economy losing an estimated $309 billion per year because people don’t have access to the tools of healthy living.
These vulnerable groups have higher rates of disease and experience worse health outcomes. People of color are subject to increased rates of heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and obesity.
Disparities cause life expectancy to decrease and mortality to rise. While the average life expectancy has increased since 1970, infant mortality rates for Black, Indigenous Americans and Alaska Native babies have risen. Black males of all ages have a shorter life expectancy than members of other groups.
Access to health care information, wellness fitness opportunities and health interventions will reduce the heart disease, diabetes, hypertension and other preventable chronic conditions that now hit hard in low-income communities of color neighborhoods. US strives to provide much needed information and interventions across color, ethnicity and economic barriers.
Lack of support for preventive health-fitness interventions
Low-income individuals and people of color face difficulties accessing health care, receive poorer quality care when accessed and ultimately experience worse health outcomes.
They are often discouraged from engaging in physical activity that supports good health. They can’t afford a gym membership or the cost of a tread mill for their home. As they struggle to pay for rent and food, although working two or three jobs, they fail to integrate physical activity into their daily routines as more affluent people do.
US is here to fill the gap caused by lack of support for health maintenance and disease prevention in communities of color and among those struggling with lower wage incomes.
Hypertension, for example, impacts millions of people, increasing their risk of heart attack, stroke, coronary heart disease, heart failure and kidney failure. It is particularly prevalent among African Americans. There is no definite answer to why this is so – but UNITED SENERGY is here to help vulnerable people of color and those living in poverty to reduce their risk of high blood pressure WITHOUT resorting immediately to medication. We can show you how: EAT LESS saturated fat and MORE fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. LIMIT alcohol. LIMIT salt. QUIT smoking. EXERCISE, THINK POSITIVE and, if you are overweight, LOSE WEIGHT!
US can help you integrate those recommendations into a strategic, balanced approach to combating high blood pressure and achieving optimum health and fitness goals. We will support you through the process with health clinic pop-ups, exercise groups, yoga and healthy eating programs and more – in your area or online. See below. US can help you GET HEALTHY, LIVE LONGER and ENJOY LIFE!
United Senergy steps up to the plate
US wants all people to be fit, feel good and live life while loving themselves… That message of hope, vibrant health and optimism is blazed across our t-shirts in three-inch letters! We want everyone to take the steps necessary to be as healthy as possible. We see the future in every person pursuing their life goals in their own individual, authentic, self-empowered way. Here are some of our current and planned initiatives:
- Support for Telehealth – if residents of low-income neighborhoods have access to Telehealth services, they stand a far better chance of receiving the care they need, especially in the age of the corona virus when hospitals and clinics have been overwhelmed with patients and canceling in-person visits. See this website’s “Digital Divide” content to see how Telehealth made possible by internet access can be a huge part of the solution lifting up under-resourced communities and people. Research tells us that the percentage of people making their Telehealth appointments has been higher than previous face to face visits in the clinic offices
- Health/Wellness Pop-up Conferences– in community centers, schools and other public venues, with visitors receiving blood pressure checks, attending exercise workshops, learning yoga, hearing motivational speakers on health topics, etc.
- Fitness/Sports Expos– collaborative events focusing on health issues and wellness initiatives in partnership with local universities, hospitals, corporate sponsors and vendors.
- Fitness “Free for All!”– partnerships with local fitness community gyms and vendors, to raise public awareness of traditional and new fitness equipment; workout trends and successes with pop-up presentations; classes at fitness venues
- Health Panel Round Tables– bringing together health and fitness experts, health care media and others to spread the word and answer questions regarding maintaining health and preventing illness.
- Competing for Health! – holding fun competitive events from a 5K run/walk to a triathlon to draw attention to the role of exercise in staying healthy and get people moving their bodies!
- Newsflash!– providing exciting, useful research information about health on Website in fun, fast-to-grasp info nuggets plus in-depth explanations.
- Mental Illness Spotlight– what everyone needs to know to manage challenging, painful situations; steps to take to shine light into dark places; information on finding empathic care when assisting a family member or friend to get needed help.